Fire Protection Services in Greenbelt, Maryland
Also Serving Northern Virginia and Washington, DC
- Sprinkler systems and fire pumps
- Fire alarm systems
- Kitchen system – inspections, testing and service
- Fire suppression / special hazards
- Commercial kitchen – new system installation
- Portable fire extinguishers – sales, inspection, testing and service
- Emergency lighting
Sprinkler Systems: Inspection, testing, service and maintenance in Greenbelt, Maryland (MD)
Guardian Fire Protection is a full-service fire protection company providing sprinkler system inspection, testing, maintenance and repair to companies located in and around Greenbelt, Maryland (MD). We’ve been in business for over 30 years and our headquarters is located just down the road from Greenbelt.
Sprinkler system inspection and repair is not something any company can afford to take lightly. Well-maintained fire sprinkler systems are a highly reliable and effective way to protect people and property in the event of a fire. NFPA has no record of a multiple-death fire (three or more persons killed) in a completely sprinklered building where the fire sprinkler system was operating properly.
Companies located in Greenbelt, Maryland (MD) hire our inspectors to test, evaluate and repair their fire protection sprinkler systems not only because of our expertise, but also because we provide the courteous service you’d expect from a locally based company.
The next time you need a sprinkler system inspection, call Guardian Fire Protection. Our fire professionals will help you better understand the testing requirements and show you how we help other companies in and around Greenbelt, Maryland (MD) protect their most valuable assets and ensure that you are in compliance with NFPA and local fire marshal codes.
Fire Pumps: Sales, installation, testing and repair in Greenbelt, Maryland (MD)
A fire sprinkler pump is a critical element of your building’s fire suppression sprinkler system. When a sprinkler head is activated and the pressure in your fire sprinkler system drops below a certain threshold, the fire pump is your only means of providing adequate water flow required for your sprinkler system to function properly – but only if it’s running properly and been through the proper installation, testing and maintenance procedures.
Guardian Fire Protection provides fire pump sales, installation, inspection, testing and repair to companies located in and around Greenbelt, Maryland (MD). Don’t put off your fire pump inspection until the week before the fire marshal is scheduled to visit your company – call Guardian Fire today!
Our fire professionals will help you select the right size fire pump for your needs and/or we’ll make sure that your unit passes all of National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) codes.
Fire Alarm Systems: Inspection, testing, service and sales in Greenbelt, Maryland (MD)
If your business is in or near Greenbelt, Maryland (MD) and you need a company to test, inspect, service or repair your fire alarm system, you’ve come to the right place! Guardian Fire Protection specializes in:
- Fire alarm inspections
- Fire alarm testing
- Fire alarm service and repair
- Fire alarm monitoring
Our fire alarm professionals work with companies that recognize the potential ramifications of an alarm system failure and the possible costs associated with an improperly maintained fire alarm or one that fails to meet NFPA code requirements or those of the local authorities having jurisdiction (AHJs). Guardian Fire Protection provides regular fire alarm maintenance and testing – custom tailored to the different requirements of different companies (weekly, monthly, annual, etc.). From fire alarm inspection and testing to maintenance and recordkeeping, we do it all.
Contact Guardian Fire today! Our fire professionals handle requests 24 hours a day. Let us help you better understand the fire alarm inspection and testing requirements in Greenbelt, Maryland (MD) and provide you with expert information about your fire alarm system.
Kitchen Fire Protection / Suppression: Sales, installation, inspection, testing and maintenance in Greenbelt, Maryland (MD)
Many Greenbelt, Maryland (MD) area restaurants use (relatively) modern cooking equipment in their kitchens. While more efficient, modern kitchen equipment combined with the foods we eat today (vegetable oil instead of animal fats) can make today’s kitchen fires more difficult to extinguish than kitchen fires in the past.
If you own or operate a commercial kitchen or restaurant kitchen, talk to the fire protection professionals at Guardian Fire Protection. Guardian Fire specializes in commercial kitchen fire suppression systems – from sales and installation to inspection and testing. Our restaurant client list includes McDonald’s, Dunkin’ Donuts, Jerry’s Subs, Quizno’s and hundreds more!
Guardian offers a wide range of products and services designed specifically with modern commercial kitchen fire suppression in mind. We are the largest kitchen fire suppression system company in the area and have 30 years of expertise you need to design and install the right fire suppression system for your kitchen. We specialize in upgrading existing systems to meet current code requirements, if your system is a dry chemical non UL-300 compliant system, Guardian Fire Protection is the single source you need to upgrade your system to be fully compliant with NFPA, UL-300 (UL300) and local fire marshal codes. One of our more popular products, for example, is the Ansul R-102 (R102) Restaurant Fire Suppression System or the Pyro Chem Kitchen Knight II Cooking Area Fire Protection System. These fire suppression systems can be found in diners, fast food restaurants, food courts, sports complexes, cafeterias, convenience stores, hotels, gourmet restaurants, general dining restaurants and other food service kitchens throughout Greenbelt, Maryland (MD).
Call or contact Guardian Fire today. Our local fire protection professionals respond to requests 24 hours a day and when it comes to commercial kitchen fire suppression systems, we have experience to get every job done right.
Fire Suppression Systems: Inspection, testing, service and sales in Greenbelt, Maryland (MD)
If it’s mission critical, you need to protect it! Proper fire protection begins with fire suppression equipment selection and continues via regularly scheduled and on-going inspections, testing and maintenance.
Using the wrong type of fire suppression system in a telecommunications or data center environment can cause major damage to your companies critical IT equipment. Guardian Fire Protection provides customized end-to-end fire protection solutions specifically designed and engineered around your needs. Talk to a fire suppression professional at Guardian Fire today. Our fire experts will always do a thorough analysis of your situation before making a recommendation.
Guardian Fire offers a variety of cutting edge fire suppression systems including the FM-200. FM-200 systems are environmentally friendly and are a waterless and safe alternative to halon. The FM-200 (FM200) fire suppression agent is commonly used to protect sensitive electronic equipment – including (but not limited to): computer rooms, data centers, telecommunications equipment, data storage facilities and more. To learn more about FM200, visit our FM200 information page.
Contact Guardian Fire today. We are locally based and have fire professionals waiting to assist you 24 hours a day.
Fire Extinguishers: Sales, service, inspection, and maintenance in Greenbelt, Maryland (MD)
Are you located in Greenbelt, Maryland (MD) and looking to buy fire extinguishers for your business? Guardian Fire Protection’s licensed fire technicians and expert staff can help you choose the right size, number and type of fire extinguishers for your company.
From restaurant owners looking to buy commercial kitchen wet chemical fire extinguishers or trying to better understand the fire extinguisher inspection requirements to facilities managers looking for a price for fire extinguisher inspection, testing or to recharge fire extinguishers that are already owned; you can’t make a better decision than to call the local fire experts at Guardian Fire.
Emergency Lighting: Inspections, testing, sales and installation in Greenbelt, Maryland (MD)
Proper emergency lighting is critical to a safe work environment. Ensuring the operational readiness of emergency lighting is not an option – it’s an OSHA and LIFE SAFETY requirement. Serving businesses and government buildings in Greenbelt, Maryland (MD), Guardian Fire provides:
- Emergency Lighting Inspections
- Monthly Testing
- Emergency Lighting Service
- Evaluation of Emergency Lighting Requirements
Guardian’s emergency lighting service includes (but is not limited to): changing emergency lighting batteries, installation, inspection and service of battery charging systems, bulbs and other emergency exit lighting system hardware, monthly emergency lighting testing and more.
Ensure that your workplace, building, commercial kitchen, etc. meets OSHA emergency lighting requirements and is operationally ready for the worst case scenario. Contact Guardian Fire Protection today!
Ready for complete fire protection for your Greenbelt, Maryland (MD) based business?